Menus – Part 2
This video looks more at WordPress menus and, in particular, creating different menus and assigning them to different theme locations.
This video looks more at WordPress menus and, in particular, creating different menus and assigning them to different theme locations.
We continue our series on categories and tags with a further look at how to use categories.
Last week we looked at the differences between categories and tags, today we start looking at categories in more depth.
Categories and tags: what’s the difference and how can you use them to organise content on your site
Today we look as excerpts. What they are, how and why to use them and how they might appear on your site.
An overview of how to insert other types of media and files in WordPress. I specifically look at inserting a PDF file.
Inserting PDFs and other documents Watch »
An overview of how to set featured images in WordPress posts and pages, and how they might be used.
More detail on using alignment and caption options when inserting images/photos in WordPress
Image Options: Alignment and Captions Watch »